Class 10 Maths


NCERT Exercise 8.4

Part 1

Question – 1 - Express the trigonometric ratios sin A, sec A and tan A in terms of cot A.

Answer: sin A can be expressed in terms of cot A, as follows:

`text(sin A)=1/(text(cosec A)`



sec A can be expressed in terms of cot A, as follows:

`text(sec A)=sqrt(text(sec)^2A)`





tan A can be expressed in terms of cot A, as follows:

`text(tan A) = 1/text(cotA)`

Question – 2 - Write all the other trigonometric ratios of ∠A in terms of sec A.

Answer: Sin A can be written in terms of sec A as follows:

`text(sin A)=sqrt(text(sin)^2A)`





cos A can be written in terms of sec A as follows:

`text(cos A) = 1/text(sec A)`

tan A can be written in terms of sec A as follows:

`text(tan A)=sqrt(text(tan)^2A)`


cosec A can be written in terms of sec A as follows:

`text(cosec A)=1/(text(sin)A)`




`=text(sec A)/sqrt(text(sec)^2A-1)`

cot A can be written in terms of sec A as follows:

`text(cot A)=1/text(tan A)`



Question – 3 - Evaluate:

(i) `(text(sin)^2\63°+text(sin)^2\27°)/(text(cos)^2\17°+text(cos)^2\73°)`





(ii) `text(sin) 25°text(cos) 65°+text(cos) 25°text(sin) 65°`

Answer: `text(sin) 25°text(cos) 65°+ text(cos) 25°text(sin) 65°`

`= text(sin) 25° text(cos)(90°-25°) + text(cos) 25°text(sin) 65°`

`= text(sin)^2\25° + text(cos) 25° text(cos)(90°-25°)`

`= text(sin)^2\25° + text(cos)^2\25° = 1`

Question – 4 - Choose the correct option. Justify your choice.

(i) `9 text(sec)^2\A – 9 text(tan)^2\A = ?`
(A) 1 (B) 9 (C) 8 (D) 0

Answer: (B) is the correct option. Following is the explanation:

`9 text(sec)^2\A – 9 text(tan)^2\A`

`= 9 (text(sec)^2\A – text(tan)^2\A)`

`= 9 xx 1 = 9`

(ii) (1 + tan θ + sec θ) (1 + cot θ - cosec θ) = ?
(A) 0 (B) 1 (C) 2 (D) - 1

Answer: (C) is the correct option. Following is the explanation:







`=(2text(sin)θtext(cos)θ)/( text(sin)θtext(cos)θ)=2`

(iii) (sec A + tan A)(1 – sin A) = ?
(A) sec A (B) sin A (C) cosec A (D) cos A

Answer: (D) is the correct option. Following is the explanation:






(iv) `(1+text(tan)^2A)/(1+text(cot)^2A)`

(A) sec2 A, (B) - 1, (C) cot2 A, (D) tan2 A

Answer: (d) is the correct option. Following is the explanation:




