Class 6 Geography

India: Climate Vegetation Wildlife NCERT NCERT Solution

Fill in the blanks:

  1. Hot and dry winds known as ________________ blow during the day in the summers.

    Answer: Loo
  2. The states of Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu receive a great amount of rainfall during the season of________________.

    Answer: Autumn
  3. _____________ forest in Gujarat is the home of ________________.

    Answer: Gir, Asiatic Lions
  4. _____________ is a well-known species of mangrove forests.

    Answer: Sundari
  5. ____________ are also called monsoon forests.

    Answer: Tropical Deciduous Forests

Answer These Questions

Question 1: Which winds bring rainfall in India? Why is it so important?

Answer: The monsoon winds bring rainfall in India. Agriculture in India is highly dependent on monsoon. Hence, this wind is important for India.

Question 2: Name the different seasons in India.

Answer: Different seasons in India are as follows:

  1. Winter Season
  2. Summer Season
  3. Rainy Season
  4. Autumn Season

Question 3: What is natural vegetation?

Answer: Plants which grow on their own without human intervention are called natural vegetation.

Question 4: Name the different types of vegetation found in India.

Answer: Different types of vegetation in India are as follows:

Question 5: What is the difference between evergreen forest and deciduous forest?

Answer: The trees of the evergreen forest do not shed leaves at a particular time of the year, while the trees of the deciduous forest shed their leaves at a particular time of the year.

Question 6: Why is tropical rainforest also called evergreen forest?

Answer: The trees of the tropical rainforest shed their leaves at different times of the year. Due to this, the forest always appears green. Hence, such a forest is called evergreen forest.

Tick the correct option

Question 1: The world’s highest rainfall occurs in

  1. Mumbai
  2. Asansol
  3. Mawsynram

    Answer: (c) Mawsynram

Question 2: Mangrove forests can thrive in

  1. Saline water
  2. Fresh water
  3. Polluted water

    Answer: (a) Saline water

Question 3: Mahogany and rosewood trees are found in

  1. mangrove forests
  2. tropical deciduous forests
  3. tropical evergreen forests

    Answer: (c) tropical evergreen forests

Question 4: Wild goats and snow leopards are found in

  1. Himalayan region
  2. Peninsular region
  3. Gir forests

    Answer: (a) Himalayan region

Question 5: During the south west monsoon period, the moisture laden winds blow from

  1. land to sea
  2. sea to land
  3. plateau to plains

    Answer: (b) sea to land


Question 1: What is weather?

Answer: The day to day changes in atmosphere is called weather. Weather includes changes in temperature, sunshine and rainfall.

Question 2: What is climate?

Answer: Overall pattern of weather at a place is called climate. For this, weather pattern of at least 20 years is taken into consideration.

Question 3: What is the importance of monsoon?

Answer: The monsoon has high importance for India. Agriculture in India is dependent on monsoon. A good monsoon means good harvest. A bad monsoon results in poor harvest. Farmers become very happy when there is good monsoon.

Question 4: What is the importance of forests?

Answer: Importance of forests is as follows:

Question 5: Tropical rainforest is found in which parts of India?

Answer: Tropical Rainforest in India: Andaman and Nicobar Islands, parts of North-Eastern states and a narrow strip of the western slope of the Western Ghats.

Question 6: Tropical deciduous forest is found in which parts of India?

Answer: Tropical Deciduous Forest in India: Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Orissa and parts of Maharashtra.