Class 7 Civics

Mass Media

Extra Questions

Match the following:

Column IColumn II
(i) Blocking roads(a) Censorhip
(ii) Khabar Lahariya(b) Technology Updation
(iii) Cost to media(c) Newspaper
(iv) Blocking content(d) Public protest

Answer: i - d, ii - c, iii - b, iv - a

Fill in the blanks:

  1. Organizing a rally, starting a signature campaign etc are some ways of _____
  2. Advertising is a way of ______ for the media.
  3. TV, newspapers and radio are also called ____.
  4. _____ and _____ are recent phenomena in the technological aspect of media.

Answer: (a) Public protest, (b) revenue, (c) Mass media, (d) Cable TV, Internet

Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1: The following are costs incurred by media

  1. Lights
  2. Camera
  3. Salary to the newsreader
  4. All of the above

Answer: (d) All of the above

Question 2: Which of the following is not electronic media

  1. Newspaper
  2. TV
  3. Radio
  4. Both b and c

Answer: (a) Newspaper

Question 3: Publish refers to the newspaper report, articles, etc. that are printed in

  1. Newspaper
  2. Magazine
  3. Books
  4. All of the above

Answer: (d) All of the above

Question 4: Media has strong links with>

  1. Technology
  2. Democracy
  3. Big business houses
  4. All of the above

Answer: (d) All of the above