Class 7 Geography

Temperate Grasslands

Extra Questions

Very Short Answer Type Questions:

Question 1: What are the broad categories of grasslands in the world?

Answer: Grasslands growing in the temperate regions and grasslands growing in the tropical regions.

Question 2: What are the prairies bound by, in the east and the west?

Answer: The Rocky Mountains in the west and the Great Lakes in the east.

Question 3: How are the summers and winters in the Prairies?

Answer: Summers are warm and in winters a thick blanket of snow covers the region.

Question 4: Why do the velds receive rainfall in the summer months?

Answer: Because of the warm ocean currents that wash the shores of the velds.

Question 5: Why is the soil in the velds not very fertile?

Answer: Because of the presence of discontinuous grasses exposing barren surface.

Short Answer Type Questions:

Question 1: What are velds?

Answer: The temperate grasslands of South Africa are called velds. They are rolling plateaus with varying heights ranging from 600 m to 1100m.

Question 2: Write a note on the flora of the velds.

Answer: The vegetation cover is sparse, with red grasses growing in the bush velds and acacia and maroola growing in the high velds.

Question 3: What are the prairies?

Answer: The temperate grasslands of North America are called the prairies. It is a region of flat, gently sloping or hilly land.

Question 4: Write a note on the climate of the prairies.

Answer: The climate of the prairies is of continental type with extreme summers and winters. The annual rainfall is moderate here and is ideal for the growth of grass.

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1: Describe the people and their activities in the velds region.

Answer: The people of this region are involved in the following occupation:

Question 2: Write a note on the climate of the velds.

Answer: The climate in the velds is mild due to the influence of the Indian Ocean. Winters are cold and dry. July is the coldest month. The temperatures in winter vary between 5°C and 10°C. Summers are short and warm. Johannesburg records a temperature of 20°C in summer season. Rainfall occurs mainly in the months of November to February, and it is due to the warm ocean currents that wash the shores of the velds. If the winter months from June to August receive scanty rainfall, drought may occur.

Question 3: Describe the flora and fauna of the prairies.

Answer: Flora: Prairies are practically treeless. Based on availability of water, the plants found in the area, differ.

Fauna: The main animal here is the bison or the American buffalo. It has nearly got extinct due to its indiscriminate hunting. Other animals found in this region are rabbits, Prairie dogs, coyotes and gophers.

Question 4: Write a note on the people of the prairies.

Answer: The people of the prairie region are very industrious and have successfully harnessed technology to utilize its natural resources. The two most developed countries – the USA and Canada are located in this region.