
Important Points (Part - III)

For the planets orbiting around the sun, the angular speed, the linear speed and kinetic energy change with time but the angular momentum remians constant.

The minimum velocity with which a body must be projected in the atmosphere so as to enable it to just overcome the gravitational attraction of the earth is called escape velocity. i.e. = , where R = radius of earth.

The relation between orbital velocity of satellite ad escape velocity is = . i.e. if the orbital velocity of a satellite revolving close to the earth happens to increase to times, the satellite would escape.

There is no atmosphere on the moon because the escape velocity on the moon is low.

If the orbital radius of the earth around the sun be one fourth of the present value, then the duration of the year will be one eighth of the present value.

Weightlessness is a situtation in which the effective weight of the body becomes zero. Circumstances when this condition arises.

Kepler's first law (law of orbit): Every planet revolves around the sun in an elliptical orbit. The sun is situated at one focus of the ellipse.

Kepler's second law (law of area): The radius vector drawn from the sun to a planet sweeps out equal areas in equal intervals of time. i.e. the areal velocity of planet around the sun is constant.

Kepler's third law (law of period): The square of the time period of revolution of a planet around the sun is directly proportional to the cube of semi-major axis of its elliptical orbit, i.e. , where a = semi-major axis of the elliptical orbit of the planet around the sun.

Shape of orbit of a satellite: The shape of orbit of a satellite depends upon its velocity of projection v from earth.

  1. If v < v0, the satellite falls back to earth following a spiral path.
  2. If v = v0, the satellite revolves in circular path/orbit around the earth.
  3. If v > v0, but less than escape velocity ve, the satellite shall revolve around earth in elliptical path.
  4. If v = ve, the satellite will escape away following a parabolic path.
  5. If v > ve, the satellite will escape away following a hyperbolic path.

Geo-stationary satellite/ Parking orbit

Its angular velocity = radian/hour.

For a satellite orbiting near earth's surface:

Inertial mass and gravitational mass

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